Psychosocial Intervention is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers in all areas relevant to Psychosocial Intervention. The Journal emphasizes an evidence-based perspective and welcomes unpublished papers reporting original basic and applied research, program evaluation, and intervention results. Psychosocial Intervention is committed to advance knowledge, and to provide scientific evidence informing psychosocial interventions tackling social and community problems. Psychosocial Intervention welcomes contributions from all areas of Psychology and allied disciplines, such as sociology, social work, public health, and social epidemiology.


Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)

2-year impact Factor: 3.6
5-year impact Factor: 4.3
Category Rank (Psychology, Multidisciplinary): 27/218
Quartile: Q1
Journal Citation Indicator: 1.42

Scopus® 2024

CiteScore: 8.0 (90%, 31/310, Social Psychology)
SJR: 1.225 (SCImago Journal Rank)
SNIP: 1.944 (Source Normalized Impact per Paper)


Days* from submission to first editorial decision: 7 days

Days from submision to first decision with review: 77 days

Days from submission to acceptance: 135 days

* Median number of days


Psychosocial Intervention is indexed and abstracted in:


ISSN: 1132-0559

E-ISSN: 2173-4712


The journal Psychosocial Intervention makes use of DOI, the international code allowing reliable and consistent access to content at any moment.


Psychosocial Intervention is published three times a year: January, May and September.


Psychosocial Intervention (Intervención Psicosocial) was founded in 1992 by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid in association with Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos and Coordinadora Estatal de Intervención Social.

Note: Intervención Psicosocial through 2010; Psychosocial Intervention from 2011 forward.


The dimensions of the journal are 21.5cm x 27.9cm and it is printed on acid-free permanent paper conforming to ISO 9706:1994.

The print run of Psychosocial Intervention is 500 copies.

Psychosocial Intervention is available online at: 


Psychosocial Intervention confirms the receipt of all articles submitted by the authors and keeps them informed by e-mail and on the platform of the admission/dismissal and acceptance/rejection process, as well as the editing process, in the event of acceptance. 

In case the manuscript presents format deficiencies or is not included in the thematic focus of the publication, the Editorial Board will dismiss the manuscript, without a re-submission option. No subsequent correspondence with authors of dismissed manuscripts will be maintained. However, if the manuscript’s deficiencies are superficial, it will be returned to the author for correction before the assessment process begins.

Manuscripts will be reviewed scientifically, anonymously, by two experts (on average) in the field. In view of these external evaluations, a decision will be made as to whether to accept or reject the articles for publication, as well as the possible introduction of stylistic changes and/or the need to trim texts that exceed the maximum length permitted, always respecting the original content. The journal editors are not involved in decisions on articles written by themselves, known colleagues, or family members. Such articles follow the usual peer-review procedure and are managed by an independent editor.

Papers that are evaluated positively, requiring modifications (both minor and major), will be returned. All the authors will receive anonymous scientific evaluation reports so the relevant improvements or responses can be made.

The authors of accepted articles will receive the printing proofs for correction by e-mail in PDF format before final publication. The proofread, corrected versions must be returned within three days of their receipt. Only very minor corrections can be made regarding the content of the previously evaluated original manuscript.

Once the manuscript has been definitely accepted, the final version for publication must be returned with all proposed changes. Before an issue is published, the papers will be given their own DOI in the « Articles in Press» section in the website of the journal.

 In general, once the external scientific reports have been read, the criteria that justify the editors’ decision to accept or reject submissions by Editorial Board are as follows:

  1. Current and new.
  2. Relevance and significance: advancement of scientific knowledge
  3. Originality.
  4. Reliability and scientific validity: verified methodological quality.
  5. Organisation (logical coherence and formal presentation).
  6. External support and public/private funding.
  7. Co-authorship and degree of internationalization of the proposal and equipment.
  8. Presentation: good written style.


Works that are published in this journal are subject to the following terms:

1) Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, as Publisher,  retains the proprietary rights (copyright) of published works, and favors and allows the reuse of the same under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. ©Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid.

2) The works are published in the online edition of the journal under a license Creative Commons Atribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 The articles may be copied, used, disseminated, provided that:

  • Atribution: Cite the authorship and the original source of the publication (journal, publisher, URL and DOI of the work).
  • NonCommercial: Are not used for commercial purposes.
  • NoDerivates: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
  • Mention the existence and specifications of this license for use.


Psychosocial Intervention is a Platinum Open Access Journal.

Platinum open access - also known as sponsored or diamond open access - means permanent and free to published scientific works for readers and no publication fees for the authors. Platinum open access journals allow immediate access to the content of the journal without the payment of a subscription fee or licence. Authors pay no article publication charge and all the cost of publishing Psychosocial Intervention are met by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid and Consejo de General de la Psicología de España.

Conditions of pre-print self-archiving: Prior to final publication, it is advisable for authors to file their preprint version on their personal and institutional websites, scientific social networks, repositories, bibliographic managers... The preprint must include the following statement: "This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE] which has been sending for its posible publication to Psychosocial Intervention [year]”. Once published, the authors must specify: "This is the electronic pre-peer reviewed version of an article published in Psychosocial Intervention [year]. The final version is available at the official website, through its DOI (say the DOI) with copyright of Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid".

The version posted may not be updated or replaced with the accepted version or the final published version (the Version of Record).

There is no obligation upon authors to remove preprints posted to not for profit preprint servers prior to submission.

Conditions of post-print self-archiving: Authors are allowed to reuse published works, i.e. the post-print (final PDF version of the publisher) can be archived for non-commercial purposes, and authors are strongly recommended to deposit it in:

  • Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…).
  • Institutional repository of your University and public repositories (Mendeley, Cosis…).
  • Scientific social networks (ResearchGate,, Kudos...).
  • Personal or institutional website, blog, etc.
  • Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID...


Psychosocial Intervention is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

The journal authorizes authors to use published material, at any time and with no ment to seek permission, quoting the journal in which it was published (APA Standards), also is desirable including the link to the specific article webpage. As a courtesy, we would appreciate if you would inform Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid of such uses indicating the entity or person who will use the content, as well as its purpose.

For any other questions or additional information you can contact us at:


Psychosocial Intervention uses iThenticate® to detect plagiarism.


The editorial team at Psychosocial Intervention is, along with the scientific community, committed to ensuring the ethical and quality standards of the articles they publish.

Psychosocial Intervention subscribes to the Ethical Standards of the American Psychological Association, also this publication uses as references the “Code of conduct and good practice” defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scientific journals,  the Código Deontológico de la Psicología [Psychological Ethics Code]  of Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid [Madrid Regional Association of Psychology], and the legal framework of the country where the research was developed.

Research published in Psychosocial Intervention: Psychology must conforms to Standard 8 of the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. 

Publication Credit/Authorship. Authors of articles published in Psychosocial Intervention must have contributed significantly to the research resulting in the publication of an article, and should be able to certify that they have contributed to the entire manuscript, where necessary attributing work to relevant co-authors or contributors. All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed. Each author must have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

Dual submission. Articles submitted Psychosocial Intervention for consideration must be original works of scholarship and must not be submitted simultaneously in any form or version for publication elsewhere.

Compliance with Ethical Standards. Authors should include information regarding sources of funding, potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial), informed consent if the research involved human participants, and a statement on welfare of animals if the research involved animals to ensure objectivity and transparency in research and that accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed.

Declaration of interest. Authors must also have no conflicting or competing interests that would preclude them to presenting their research in an unbiased manner, and authors must disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest, financial and personal relationships with other people or organizationsl that could inappropriately influence (bias), upon submission of their article for publication. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors must disclose any interests in Detailed disclosures as part of a separate Declaration of Interest form, which forms part of the journal's official records (Editorial Manager). 

The journal editors are not involved in decisions on articles written by themselves, known colleagues, or family members. Such articles follow the usual peer-review procedure and are managed by an independent editor. Manuscripts will be reviewed scientifically, anonymously, by two experts (on average) in the field. In view of these external evaluations, a decision will be made as to whether to accept or reject the articles for publication, as well as the possible introduction of stylistic changes.

Humane Care and Use of Animals in Research. The activities described in published articles must comply with generally accepted standards of ethics, both in reference to studies with human beings and animal experimentation, as well as all aspects of professional ethics. The authors will be responsible for being able to provide interested readers with copies of raw data, procedural manuals, scores, informed consents, and generally relevant experimental material. Psychologists acquire, care for, use, and dispose of animals in compliance with current federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and with professional standards. (See standard 8 -8.09 Humane Care and Use of Animals in Research- of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of American Psychological Association).

Third-party material. Authors must clear the necessary reproduction rights for any images, photos, figures, music, data, or content credited to a third party that an author wishes to use (including content found on the Internet), which fall outside of the fair use provisions described in Spain copyright law.

We expect our authors to comply with all best practices in publication ethics, particularly with respect to Publication Credit/Authorship, compliance with standards of research ethics, conflict of interest, redundant publication, figure manipulation, plagiarism, and dual submission.

Privacy declaration. The names and email addresses given to Psychosocial Intervention will only be used for the purposes stated here, they will not be given to third parties, nor used for commercial purposes.  


The PI is firmly committed to promoting equality and respect for all people and, therefore, we recognize and appreciate diversity. This is reflected in the structure of the Editorial Committee and in the rules on inclusive language that authors and reviewers must follow.

For this reason:

  • Authors must ensure that they use bias-free language, avoid stereotypes, and undertake to use inclusive language, albeit prioritizing correct grammar, the economy of language, and precision, given the limitations of space.
  • Articles will avoid any claim of superiority for reasons of sex, class, culture, ethnic origin, or any other difference between people.

The guide published by the American Psychological Association must be followed by the authors. This guide is available in the following links.

Bias-free language is covered in Chapter 5 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition

The Guide published by European Commission can also be used as an orientation:

Toolkit Gender in EU-funded research (English)

Manual de género en la investigación (Spanish)

Corrections, Retraction, Additions and Expression of Concern

Psychosocial Intervention as an international journal of excellence is inspired by the ethical code of publications prepared by American Psychological Association (Section 8) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Formal notifications will be published on Psychosocial Intervention website, falling into one of four categories:

Erratum: An error introduced by the publisher that affects the integrity of the reputation of the authors, or the reputation of the journal.

Correction: An error introduced by the publisher OR the author(s) (and this will be indicated in the explanatory text) that affects the reputation of the authors, or the reputation of the journal. (A "correction" at this journal covers both items traditionally called a “corrigendum” or an “erratum”.)

Retraction: Withdrawal of a published paper due to invalid results or conclusions. All authors of a paper must sign a retraction request, indicating the error and describing how it affects the paper’s conclusions. If authors are not in unanimous agreement in requesting a retraction, the pertinent Senior Editor will consult the handling Editor(s) and, as necessary, external reviewers and apply the category of amendment that appears most appropriate, indicating dissenting authors in the text of the published amendment.

Psychosocial Intervention editors will consider retracting a publication if:

• They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of major error (eg, miscalculation or experimental error), or as a result of fabrication (eg, of data) or falsification (eg, image manipulation)

• It constitutes plagiarism

• The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or justification (ie, cases of redundant publication)

• It contains material or data without authorisation for use

• Copyright has been infringed or there is some other serious legal issue (eg, libel, privacy)

• It reports unethical research

• It has been published solely on the basis of a compromised or manipulated peer review process

• The author(s) failed to disclose a major competing interest (a.k.a. conflict of interest) that, in the view of the editor, would have unduly affected interpretations of the work or recommendations by editors and peer reviewers.

Expression of Concern: While the publishing community’s opinion on the use of an Expression of Concern is still under discussion (please refer here for the latest information) the journal reserves the right to consider using it on a case-by-case basis for instances involving, but not limited to: 1) material but inconclusive evidence of research or publication misconduct, which may or may not be still under investigation; 2) evidence of unreliable findings but with no insitution or other organization willing or able to investigate the case; 3) evidence of an error, or omission of pertinent information, in the article or in the linked open data/materials, that should be fixed but has not been due to author unwillingness or unresponsiveness. In most cases an Expression of Concern would lead to either a positive resolution (via a notice) OR a retraction.

Psychosocial Intervention editors will consider issuing an expression of concern if:

• they receive inconclusive evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors

• there is evidence that the fi ndings are unreliable but the authors’ institution will not investigate the case

• they believe that an investigation into alleged misconduct related to the publication either has not been, or would not be, fair and impartial, or conclusive

• an investigation is underway but a judgment will not be available for a considerable time



Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid - Madrid Regional Assocaition of Psychology does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in Psychosocial Intervention.

Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors.

No ads are published in psychosocial intervention.


Subcriptions are for a one-year period, from January to December. Prices for the year 2023 are:

Associated from Psychological Association from Madrid: 38€
Colegiados de otros Colegios: 38€
Other professionals: 57€
International: 103€

Payment is by direct debit, credit card or bank transfer to bank ac: Banco Sabadel IBAN/BIC ES05 0081 0655 6700 0133 7537 / BSAB ESBB

To subscribe, send the completed subscription form (English) or subscription form (Spanish) with the receipt of payment or bank transfer to:
Departamento de Suscripciones. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid.
Cuesta de San Vicente 4, 4ª pl. 28008 Madrid, España


If you require further information or assistance you can submit a query to María León to or Ana Isabel García: 

Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid (Spain)

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