Submission Guidelines

  • Submit manuscripts to:
  • The Journal has a policy of anonymous external review. Manuscripts should not contain clues to the authors’ identity.
  • Submissions are prescreened for suitability. Papers should comply with manuscript preparation guidelines, and fall within the scope of the Journal.
  • Psychosocial Intervention aims to publish high quality and internationally significant manuscripts and, therefore, manuscripts should be written in English.
  • Articles are accepted on the understanding that they contributed solely to this Journal.
  • Obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material is the authors’ responsibility.
  • Authors must sign a copyright agreement prior to publication.
  • Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that the work has not been published before.
  • Authors should not submit manuscripts simultaneously to multiple journals.
  • For inquiries please contact the Journal at:

Manuscript Preparation

  • The Journal follows the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition. Authors must also verify compliance with APA ethical standards, and guidelines for reporting research results. Authors are also responsible for disclosing potential conflicts of interest.
  • Manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word, 12 point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins (2.5 cm.).
  • All parts of the manuscript, including abstract, text, headings, references and tables should be typed doubled-spaced.
  • Authors should include a short title, their name, affiliation, mailing address, and email address, on a separate title page.
  • Although there are no strict page limits, manuscripts should normally be no longer than 40 double-spaced pages, including title page, references, tables, and figures. Longer manuscripts may be considered for systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and papers reporting on multiple studies.
  • Manuscripts should include a structured abstract of up to 250 words with the following sections: Objective, Method, Results, and Conclusions. Please provide up to 5 keywords.
  • Tables and figures should be numbered, and their location should be indicated in the text. They should appear together at the end of the file in separate pages. References should also follow APA style.
  • Authors willing to submit to Psychosocial Intervention who are not native English speakers should ensure that the English language in their manuscript meets a high-quality standard to be properly understood and assessed by international reviewers.
  • Articles should not include footnotes. A brief note with acknowledgments may be placed at the bottom of the title page.
  • Authors will receive proofs of their articles and will be asked to send their corrections within 72 hours of receipt. Authors will receive a complimentary copy of the Journal and access to a pdf of their article after publication.
  • Authors are not charged any fees or charges for manuscript processing and/ or publishing in the Journal.
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