Se parte de un análisis de los tipos de pensamiento que subyacen en este momento, en las maneras de hacer e intervenir en el mundo de la gerontología (un modo de pensar reduccionista, unidimensional, disyuntivo) y las consecuencias de los mismos: falta de visión integral y global de las personas, parcelación del objeto de intervención, etc.
We have started from an analysis of the different types of thought that exist at this moment, in the ways of working in the field of gerontology (a reductionist, unidimensional and disjunctive way of thinking) and the outcomes of those: a lack of an overall point of view of the people, a division of the subject of our interventions... Special emphasis is made in the need of a more complex and multidimensional thought, in order to face the challenges produced by the attention to the older persons in the next century.
Palabras clave
Gerontología, Intervención psicosocial, VejezKeywords
Gerontology, Psychosocial interventions, AgeingCopyright © 2025. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid