El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las relaciones existentes entre variables individuales, familiares, escolares y sociales con el consumo de alcohol en adolescentes. El tipo de estudio realizado es explicativo causal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1,245 adolescentes de ambos sexos procedentes de dos centros educativos de secundaria y dos de preuniversitario, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 17 años de edad. Se utilizó un muestreo probabilístico estratificado, considerando la proporción de alumnos por grado escolar, grupos y turno. Para el análisis de los datos se calculó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que explicó el 66% de la varianza. Los resultados mostraron que el apoyo social comunitario y el funcionamiento familiar se relacionaban con el consumo de alcohol de forma indirecta. El primero lo hacía de forma positiva y significativa a través del apoyo de amigos y el consumo de alcohol de familiares y amigos; y el segundo, lo hacía a través de dos paths: uno, de forma positiva y significativa, con el apoyo familiar y el consumo de alcohol de familiares y amigos y, dos, de forma positiva a través del ajuste escolar y la autoestima escolar y ésta, de forma negativa, con el consumo de alcohol. También se observó una relación positiva y significativa entre funcionamiento familiar y el apoyo social comunitario. Los resultados obtenidos se discuten en función de los estudios más relevantes en la temática de esta investigación y se hace referencia a las limitaciones metodológicas de este estudio.
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships that the individual, family, social and school variables have with the risk of alcohol consumption among adolescents. This is an explanatory causal study. The sample consisted of 1,245 adolescents of both sexes drawn from two secondary level and two pre-university level educational institutions, and were all aged between 12 and 17 years old. Stratified probability sampling was used, taking into account the proportion of students in each grade, level, group and timetable. To analyze the data, a structural equation model was calculated that explained 66% of the variance. The results showed that community social support and family functioning were indirectly related to alcohol consumption. The former was positively and significantly related, through friends’ support and also alcohol use by family and friends, while the latter was related through two paths: firstly, a positive and significant relationship, with family support and alcohol use by family and friends and, secondly, positively through school adjustment and school self-esteem which was negatively related with alcohol consumption. A significant and positive relationship was also observed between family functioning and social support. The results are discussed in terms of the most relevant studies on the subject of this research and the methodological limitations of this study are also considered.
Palabras clave
Consumo de alcohol, Funcionamiento Familiar, Ajuste Escolar, Autoestima Académica, Apoyo ComunitarioCopyright © 2025. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid