Head of The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
Vol. 3. Num. 1. - 2011. Pages

Anger and self-reported delinquency in university students

[Anger and self-reported delinquency in university students]

Clive R. Hollin; Christopher Marsh; and Claire A. J. Bloxsom


The association between anger and criminal, particularly violent, behaviour is firmly established in the literature. However, most of the extant research has been conducted with clinical and legally sanctioned forensic populations. The present study sought to examine anger in a non forensic population using a self-report measure of delinquency. The Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory (NAS-PI; Novaco, 2003) and the Self-Report Delinquency Questionnaire (Elliot & Ageton, 1980) were completed by male and female university students. The total anger score was associated with overall delinquency and specifically with crimes against the person and against property. Males reported higher levels of anger and a greater involvement in criminal acts. The practical implications of the findings within a legal context are discussed.


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