Anuario de Psicologia Juridica

Annual Review of Legal Psychology

Anuario de Psicología Jurídica [Annual Review of Legal Psychology] is edited by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid and the Foundation of Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid. This journal is the first Spanish multidisciplinary scientific-professional journal that accepts original unpublished manuscripts in Spanish and English. The articles should be related with subjects in the area of Legal Psychology in which the dual psychological and legal perspective is contemplated. They should be empirical contributions on basic or applied research within the legal psychology setting. The activities described in the works published should follow the professional Ethical and Deontology guidelines. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica is an open access journal with one annual regular issue.

Authors are not charged any fees or charges for manuscript processing and/or publishing in the journal.





  • Web of Science (Clarivate), Journal Impact Factor (JCR) 2023: 0.900 (Q2)

            Law: Ranking 142/421

            Psychology Multidisciplinary: Ranking 149/218

  • Web of Science (Clarivate), Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) 2023: 1.52 (Q2)

             Law: Ranking 138/421 

             Psychology Multidisciplinary: Ranking 71/218 

  • 2023 Scopus Cite Score: 3.5 (Q1)

    Social Sciences (Law): Ranking 100 de 1025 (Q1)

    Medicine (Pathology and Forensic Medicine): Ranking 87 de 208 (Q2)

    Psychology (Applied Psychology): Ranking 117 de 249 (Q2)

  • 2023 Scimago Journal Rank: 0.599 (Q1)

Editor in Chief: Antonio L. Manzanero


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The Anuario de Psicología JurídicaAnnual Review of Legal Psychology is edited by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid and the Foundation of Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid. This journal is a multi-discipline scientific and professional journal, which accepts original, unpublished articles in Spanish and English. These articles must be related with topics which fall within the area of legal psychology, and both the legal and the psychological perspectives. Articles must be empirical contributions about basic or applied research within legal psychology. Activities described in the articles published must follow the professional code of ethics and responsibilities.

Anuario de Psicología Jurídica - Annual Review of Legal Psychology is published mainly in Spanish although original contributions in English are also accepted.Potential authors should also be aware that although the Annual Review of Legal Psychology makes use of an double-blind external revision process (peer review), the director of the journal may make a final decision to reject a manuscript, without sending it for revision, in cases the content of the paper does not fit the field of the journal, or it has not been prepared in accordance with the rules given to potential contributors. Authors should not submit manuscripts simultaneously to multiple journals.

All opinions and comments expressed by the authors of articles are their own responsibility, and do not necessarily reflect those of the journal or its publishers. 

Authors are not charged any fees or charges for manuscript processing and/or publishing in the journal.



ISSN: 1133-0740


DEPÓSITO LEGAL: M.39.689-1991


Anuario de Psicología Jurídica makes use of DOI, the international code allowing reliable and consistent access to content at any moment.


Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024. Páginas 1-144    

War, Torture and Trauma in Preadolescents from Gaza Strip. Two Different Modalities of PTSD

[Guerra, tortura y trauma en preadolescentes de la Franja de Gaza: Dos modalidades diferentes de TEPT]

1 - 12

Antonio L. Manzanero, Javier Aroztegui, Juan Fernández, Marta Guarch-Rubio, Miguel Ángel Álvarez, Sofián El-Astal, and Fairouz Hemaid

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

Full TextPDF

La Polivictimización, la Presencia de Síntomas TEPT y la Afectación en la Funcionalidad de las Personas que Son Víctimas del Desplazamiento Forzado: Estudio Comparativo

[Polyvictimization, presence of PTSD symptoms and deterioration of functioning of survivors of Colombian forced displacement: A comparative study]

13 - 22

Daysy K. Pabón-Poches, Laura Barchelot-Aceros, Gonzalo Galván, Francisco Vásquez De la Hoz, Manuel F. Guerrero-Martelo y Laura V. Salas Navarro

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

Full TextPDF

Is the Self-reported Information by Male Sentenced of Violence against Women in the Intervention Phase Valid?

[¿Es válida la información reportada por sentenciados por maltrato contra la mujer en la fase de intervención?]

23 - 30

Ramón Arce, Verónica Marcos, Jéssica Sanmarco, and Francisca Fariña

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Agresores Plurivictimizadores en Violencia de Género: un Estudio Exploratorio

[Plurivictimizing gender-violence aggressors: An exploratory study]

31 - 40

Marta Caballé-Pérez, Juan J. López-Ossorio, Ariadna Trespaderne-Dedeu, Jorge Santos-Hermoso, José L. González-Álvarez

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Indicators of Child Victimization in High-conflict Divorce: Interprofessional Consensus Based on a Delphi Panel

[Indicadores de victimización infantil en los casos de divorcio muy conflictivo: consenso interprofesional basado en un panel Delphi]

41 - 46

Mila Arch, Josue Garcia-Arch, and Noemí Pereda

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

Full TextPDF

La Violencia de Género y el Feminicidio. Comparación del Perfil de los Agresores

[Intimate partner violence against women and femicide. Comparison of aggressors’ profiles]

47 - 56

David Pineda, Manuel Galán, Ana Martínez-Martínez, Piqueras José Antonio y José L. González-Álvarez

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Space for Action and Mental Health of Women Survivors of Psychological Intimate Partner Violence

[El espacio para la acción y la salud mental en las mujeres supervivientes de violencia psicológica en la pareja]

57 - 66

Natalia Fernández-Álvarez, María Y. Fontanil, Joel Juarros-Basterretxea, and María Á. Alcedo

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Psychopathy, Emotional Recognition, and Moral Judgment in Female Inmates

[La psicopatía, el reconocimiento emocional y el juicio moral en mujeres presas]

67 - 74

Teresa Pinto and Fernando Barbosa

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Factorial Invariance of the Mechanisms of the Moral Disengagement Scale

[El análisis factorial confirmatorio y la invarianza factorial de los mecanismos de la Escala de Desconexión Moral]

75 - 84

Anyerson S. Gómez-Tabares, César Nuñez, Andrés M. Grisales-Aguirre, Gastón Zapata-Lesmes, and Olber E. Arango-Tobón

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Association between Callous-Unemotional Traits, Empathy, and Moral Disengagement Mechanisms in Juvenile Offenders

[La asociación entre los rasgos insensibles-no emocionales, la empatía y los mecanismos de desconexión moral en adolescentes infractores de la ley]

85 - 95

Anyerson S. Gómez, Nicolasa Durán

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Childhood Poly-victimization and Adults’ Psychoticism: A Moderated Mediation Model Testing an Affective Pathway

[La polivictimización de la infancia y el psicoticismo de los adultos: un modelo de mediación moderada para probar la vía afectiva]

97 - 106

Rafaela Sousa, Eunice Magalhães, Cláudia Camilo, and Carla Silva

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Los Adolescentes que Tienen un Comportamiento Sexual Abusivo hacia Niños y Niñas Prepúberes

[Adolescents who display abusive sexual behavior against prepubescent children]

107 - 117

Virginia Soldino y Antonio Andrés-Pueyo

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Online Grooming: Factores de Riesgo y Modus Operandi a Partir de un Análisis de Sentencias Españolas

[Online grooming: Risk factors and modus operandi of Spanish court sentences]

119 - 131

María Riberas-Gutiérrez, María Reneses, Aarón Gómez-Dorado, Laura Serranos-Minguela y Nereida Bueno-Guerra

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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Cyber Dating Abuse: Conceptualization and Meta-analysis of Prevalence Rates

[El ciberabuso de pareja: conceptualización y metaanálisis de las tasas de prevalencia]

133 - 144

Ainize Martínez-Soto and Izaskun Ibabe

Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Febrero 2024

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