Clì­©ca y Salud

Clinical and Health

Clinical and Health - [Clínica y Salud] CLYSA is edited by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid and the Foundation of Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid. CLYSA is a journal covering mainly original research literature of interest for psychologists within the field of Clinical and Health Psychology including the following topics: Development, validation and administration of psychological assessment tools within the field of clinical and health psychology; Development, validation and administration of techniques and strategies for the psychological treatment of disorders starting in the infancy, childhood and adolescence, memory and cognitive disorders, substance abuse related disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, factious and simulation disorders, dissociative disorders, sexual disorders, food disorders, sleep disorders, drive control disorders, adaptive disorders and personality disorders; Environmental and psychosocial factors associated with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases including pain, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, dermatological and endocrine disorders, chronic diseases, etc; Studies on health promotion and disease prevention; Studies on personality and personality assessment within the clinical and health field; Critical reviews and meta-analysis on therapeutic success; Methodological studies on clinical and health psychology related issues.

Clinical and Health - [Clínica y Salud] aims to be international in scope, and will publish papers only in English. This journal accepts free original papers but can also request specific papers to relevant scholars that will be published in ordinary issues or in special issues (monographic issues). Authors should not submit manuscripts simultaneously to multiple journals. Original manuscripts will be anonymously peer reviewed.

Authors are not charged any fees or charges for manuscript processing and/or publishing in the journal.

2023 Cite Score: 2.8 (Q2) [Clínical Psychology]

2023 JIF: 2.3 (Q2) [Clínical Psychology]


Editor-in-chief: María F. Rodríguez-Muñoz


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Clinical and Health - [Clínica y Salud] is a journal covering mainly original research literature of interest for psychologists within the field of Clinical and Health Psychology including the following topics: Development, validation and administration of psychological assessment tools within the field of clinical and health psychology; Development, validation and administration of techniques and strategies for the psychological treatment of disorders starting in the infancy, childhood and adolescence, memory and cognitive disorders, substance abuse related disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, factious and simulation disorders, dissociative disorders, sexual disorders, food disorders, sleep disorders, drive control disorders, adaptive disorders and personality disorders; Environmental and psychosocial factors associated with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases including pain, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, dermatological and endocrine disorders, chronic diseases, etc; Studies on health promotion and disease prevention; Studies on personality and personality assessment within the clinical and health field; Critical reviews and meta-analysis on therapeutic success; Methodological studies on clinical and health psychology related issues.

Clinical and Health will mainly publish free contributions but occasionally will also publish contributions requested from prestigious authors and special issues, although all contributions will undergo an anonymous peer review process.

Clinical and Health aims to be international in scope, and will publish papers only in English. This journal accepts free original papers but can also request specific papers to relevant scholars that will be published in ordinary issues or in special issues (monographic issues). Original manuscripts will be anonymously peer reviewed.


ISSN: 1130-5274


DEPÓSITO LEGAL: M.40.028-1990


Clinical and Health (Clínica y Salud) was funded in 1990 by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid and since then is being published on time. 


Clinical and Health (Clínica y Salud) makes use of DOI, the international code allowing reliable and consistent access to content at any moment.


Vol. 36. Núm. 1. March 2025. Páginas 1-55    

Severe Mental Disorders and Stressful Life Events

[El trastorno mental grave y los sucesos vitales estresantes]

1 - 7

Karmele Salaberria, Alexander Muela, Maria Ruiz-Iriondo, and Alvaro Iruin

Vol. 36. Núm. 1. March 2025

Full TextPDF

Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Brief Psychotherapy versus Usual Treatment for Common Mental Disorders in Adults

[La eficacia de la psicoterapia breve frente al tratamiento habitual de los trastornos mentales comunes en adultos. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico]

9 - 18

Marco A. Luengo-Castro, Javier Fernández-Méndez, José M. García-Montes, Pedro J. Caunedo-Riesco, Juan M. García-Haro, Begoña Braña-Menéndez, Dolores González-Díaz, Andrés Cabero-Álvarez, and Marcelino Cuesta-Izquierdo

Vol. 36. Núm. 1. March 2025

Full TextPDF

Validation of the Spanish Version of the Parent Diabetes Distress Scale

[Validación de la versión española de la escala Parent Diabetes Distress]

19 - 24

Marina Beléndez and Lawrence Fisher

Vol. 36. Núm. 1. March 2025

Full TextPDF

Social Support and Women’s Smoking during the Perinatal Period: A Systematic Review

[El apoyo social y el consumo de tabaco de las mujeres durante el periodo perinatal: una revisión sistemática]

25 - 35

Cristina M. Posse, Alba Val, and M. Carmen Míguez

Vol. 36. Núm. 1. March 2025

Full TextPDF

Resilience and Brain Injury: Validation of the Connor-Davidson Scale in Spanish Individuals

[La resiliencia y el daño cerebral: la validación de la escala de Connor-Davidson en población española]

37 - 45

Alba Aza, María Fernández, Antonio M. Amor, José L. Castillo, Miguel A. Verdugo

Vol. 36. Núm. 1. March 2025

Full TextPDF

Problematic Gaming among Adolescents and Youth: The Role of Alexithymia, Emotion Regulation, and Attachment Based on Sex

[El uso problemático de los videojuegos en los adolescentes y jóvenes: el papel de la alexitimia, la regulación emocional y el apego en función del sexo]

47 - 55

Ana Estévez, Gema Aonso-Diego, Leire Fernández-García, and Laura Macía

Vol. 36. Núm. 1. March 2025

Full TextPDF
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