Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

The Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology is edited by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid and the Foundation of Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid. JWOP will mainly publish empirical research of interest for psychologists, and which represents a contribution to knowledge in all areas of which can be termed industrial, work and organizational psychology, human resource, organizational behavior, personnel psychology, as well as behavioral, cognitive and neuroscientific aspects of labor relations, ergonomics, and human factors.

Editor-in-Chief: Jesús F. Salgado


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The Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology – JWOP – will mainly publish empirical research of interest for psychologists, and which represents a contribution to knowledge in all areas of which can be termed industrial, work and organizational psychology, human resource, organizational behavior, personnel psychology, as well as behavioral, cognitive and neuroscientific aspects of labor relations, ergonomics, and human factors. 

Exceptionally, the JWOP will consider review articles or theoretical contributions. The JWOP is a Spanish journal but does not wish itself to limit to Spanish contributions or Spanish-language contributors, wishing to have an international authorship.

The JWOP will mainly publish free unpublished original contributions but occasionally will also publish contributions requested from prestigious authors and special issues, although all contributions will undergo an external and anonymous peer review process.  Authors should not submit manuscripts simultaneously to multiple journals.

Not pretending to be exhaustive, topics covered by the JWOP  decision making, personnel ion, training, leadership, organizational change, organizational culture and climate, motivation, teamwork, occupational health, stress, job satisfaction, job performance, compensation, retirement and turnover, conflict and negotiation, work attitudes, work-family conciliation, economic utility, cross-cultural studies, methodological studies, manuscripts which develop new paradigms, models and theories, as well as articles dealing with the relationships between Work and Organizational Psychology and other disciplines such as Social Psychology and Cognitive Psychology.

Authors are not charged any fees or charges for manuscript processing and/or publishing in the journal.


ISSN: 1576-5962


DEPÓSITO LEGAL: M.37.437-1985


Web of Science (Clarivate) Impact Factor 2023: 2.4
     Journal Citation Reports 2022. Applied Psychology: Ranking 52 de 113 (Q2)

Scopus CiteScore 2022: 4.9
    Social Psychology 2023: Ranking 82 de 310 (Q2) 
    Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management 2023: Ranking 75 de 230 (Q2)


The Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology makes use of DOI, the international code allowing reliable and consistent access to content at any moment.


The Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology is published three times a year: April, August and December.


The Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology was founded in 1985, It’s the oldest Journal edited by Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid.


Vol. 40. Núm. 3. December 2024. Páginas 131 - 192    

La Identificación y Medición de los Tipos de Seguidor según la Taxonomía de Chaleff

131 - 138

Kevin Arbelo, Dolores Díaz-Cabrera y Estefanía Hernández-Fernaud

Vol. 40. Núm. 3. December 2024

Full TextPDF

Analysis of Employees’ Profiles of Responses to Personal and Workplace-Related Factors of Psychological Capital: The Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling Approach

139 - 150

Lily Chernyak-Hai, Tomer Schmidt-Barad, and Se-Kang Kim

Vol. 40. Núm. 3. December 2024

Full TextPDF

A Multilevel Model of Compassion in Healthcare Organizations

151 - 163

Mabel San Román-Niaves, Marco De Angelis, Susana Llorens, and Marisa Salanova

Vol. 40. Núm. 3. December 2024

Full TextPDF

Effects of Candidate Gender and Qualification on Hiring Recommendations in Asynchronous Video Interview Tools

165 - 174

Edurne Martínez-Moreno, Edurne Elgorriaga, Lorena Gil de Montes, and Olaia Larruskain-Mandiola

Vol. 40. Núm. 3. December 2024

Full TextPDF

Emotional Labor, Occupational Identity, and Work Engagement among Portuguese First Responders

179 - 194

Soraia A. de Sousa Oliveira, Carla M. Santos de Carvalho, Ana L. Sousa Pinto, and Sonia M. Guedes Gondim

Vol. 40. Núm. 3. December 2024

Full TextPDF
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