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  • Submission Guidelines

    1. Papers should be sent online via the website
    2. Submission of a paper to Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology implies that it has not been sent simultaneously to any other journal, or previously been published elsewhere.
    3. The journal adopts the style and norms of the APA Publication Manual, published by the American Psychological Association, Washington C., USA ( manuscript_check.html).
    4. Texts should be double-spaced with a wide margin (e.g. 5 cm to each side), with all pages numbered (including the title page). The manuscript should be prepared by using MicrosoftWord, 12 point Times New Roman font. Tables should be included at the end of the manuscript, on separate pages, and their approximate placing within the text indicated. The tables must be produced using the key and without using dividing lines.
    5. Any graphs and illustrations should also be included at the end of the document, after the tables and on separate pages. Their approximate placing in the document should also be indicated. Graphics must be in grayscale
    6. Manuscripts must include an abstract (summary of the content in no more than 150 words), if the original is in Spanish, the abstract must also be sent in
    7. Manuscripts in Spanish must include (at the end, before the bibliography) an extended summary of the work that is an explanation of the question studied, method, results and This extended summary must not include tables, graphs or illustrations, and, if necessary, will make precise reference to those found in the main text. It will be 1,500 to 2,000 words long.
    8. The title of the work should be written on the first page of each manuscript, and, if the title is in Spanish, its translation into English will also be included, along with a short title, the name or names of its author(s), their affiliation (not a full postal address), key words, a postal address for correspondence and any other information related to the manuscript’s elaboration or concise thanks which the author wishes to transmit and which are of
    9. References should include the corresponding Authors can paste the list of references onto the website and obtain the list of references with the DOI for each, in those cases that have a DOI (it is also possible on the same website to get complete details of a reference
    10. The responsibility for obtaining written permission to use any material likely to be subject to copyright protection is the author’s. This includes, but is not limited to, figures, graphs, tables, images and
    11. Authors will cede their copyright to the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid, by accepting the appropriate form. Author’s intellectual property rights are reserved. The Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid will authorize authors to use material published by Colegio Oficial de Psicologos de Madrid and which is intellectual property of the authors, at any time, without the need for prior authorization, as long as the journal in which it was published is quoted.

    Print proofs and copies of articles

    Authors whose articles have been accepted for publication will receive printing proofs, normally in the form of PDF files, to the contact address that they provide, and these should be carefully checked to see that they are entirely the same as the original accepted for publication. Proofs should be returned within 72 hours of receipt. Given that these proofs are created from the electronically submitted manuscripts already accepted, no modifications or alterations will be accepted at this stage, apart from correction of printing errors or small mistakes not detected during the revision process. Authors will receive a hard copy of the issue of the journal in which their article appears, free of charge. In addition, authors may request additional copies of the issue in which their manuscript is published at special rates established by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid.

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