Head of The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context



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Paper submission

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Editors to the web of the journal ( E-mail to and postal address should be used exceptionally (The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, E-15782 Santiago, Spain). Submission of a paper to this journal implies that it represents original work not previously published, that it is not being considered elsewhere for publication and that it will not be submitted to other journal while it is under evaluation by The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context. The opinions and statements published are the responsibility of the authors, and such opinions and statements do not necessarily represent the policies of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense, the Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid or the views of the Editors.


The manuscripts will be reviewed by two blind referees. The reviews are anonymous for authors and reviewers. Author identities will be removed before sending out a manuscript to the reviewers.


Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that if it is accepted for publication the copyright of the manuscript, including the reproduction of the paper in all forms and media, shall be transferred to the publisher.


Manuscripts must be adhere to the instructions on references, tables, figures, abstract, format, narrative style, etc. as described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020). Manuscripts that do not fit to the style set forth in this manual will not be considered for publication.

Examples of the most frequent references in APA style (for additional contingencies see the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association):

Journal article

With doi

McCauley, S. M., & Christiansen, M. H. (2019). Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic model of child language development. Psychological Review, 126(1), 1-51.

Without doi

Anderson, M. (2018). Getting consistent with consequences. Educational Leadership, 76(1), 26-33.

Advance online publication

Huestegge, S. M., Raettig, T., & Huestegge, L. (2019). Are face-incongruent voices harder to process? Effects of face-voice gender incongruency on basic cognitive information processing. Experimental Psychology. Advance online publication.


Burgess, R. (2019). Rethinking global health: Frameworks of power. Routledge.


Weinstock, R., Leong, G. B., & Silva, J. A. (2003). Defining forensic psychiatryc: Roles and responsibilities. In R. Rosner (Ed.), Principles and practice of forensic psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 7-13). CRC Press.

Non-English publication (give the original title followed, between brackets, the English translation)

Chaves-Morillo, V., Gómez Calero, C., Fernández-Muñoz, J. J., Toledano-Muñoz, A., Fernández-Huete, J., Martínez-Monge, N., Palacios-Ceña, D., & Peñacoba-Puente, C. (2018). La anosmia neurosensorial: Relación entre subtipo, tiempo de reconocimiento y edad [Sensorineural anosmia: Relationship between subtype, recofnition time, and age]. Clínica y Salud, 28(3), 155-161.

Amano, N., & Kondo, H. (2000). Nihongo no goi tokusei [Lexical characteristics of Japanese language] (Vol. 7). Sansei-do.

Check list of requirements (for further information see

Article title: It should be simply and concise expressing the topic, variables or issues under research. The recommended lengh is not more than 12 words.

Running head: Abbreviate the article title for the top of the pages of the manuscript. The maximum length is of 50 characters including letters, punctuations and spaces.

Abstract: The abstract is the access window of readers to the paper. Thus, prepare it carefully. It should be clear and easy to read with enough detail to help the reader understand what the article is about. The key elements for an experimental/research articles are: study purpose, brief description of the participants, methodology, study location (if relevant as for example if the legal context mediates the results), results, conclusions or implications. The abstract should be 150-250 words.

Keywords: Provide 4 or 5 keywords. These should express the precise content of the manuscript.

Title page: It includes the authors byline, institutional affiliations, article title, running head and author note (complete department affiliation, acknowledgements and correspondence author with mailing address and e-mail).

Full paper text: It includes, in a separate page, article title, abstract and keywords. Then, the full text. Text should be presented double spaced with numbered pages and anonymised.

References: Follow the sytle described at 7th edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Tables and figures: These will be placed at the end of the paper or attached separately. Introduce a suggestion of entrance for each table and figure into the text.


The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context confirms the receipt of all articles submitted by the authors and keeps them informed by e-mail and on the platform of the admission/dismissal and acceptance/rejection process, as well as the editing process, in the event of acceptance. 

In case the manuscript presents format deficiencies or is not included in the thematic focus of the publication, the Editorial Board will dismiss the manuscript, without a re-submission option. No subsequent correspondence with authors of dismissed manuscripts will be maintained. However, if the manuscript’s deficiencies are superficial, it will be returned to the author for correction before the assessment process begins.

Manuscripts will be reviewed scientifically, anonymously, by two experts (on average) in the field. In view of these external evaluations, a decision will be made as to whether to accept or reject the articles for publication, as well as the possible introduction of stylistic changes and/or the need to trim texts that exceed the maximum length permitted, always respecting the original content.

Papers that are evaluated positively, requiring modifications (both minor and major), will be returned. All the authors will receive anonymous scientific evaluation reports so the relevant improvements or responses can be made.

The authors of accepted articles will receive the printing proofs for correction by e-mail in PDF format before final publication. The proofread, corrected versions must be returned within three days of their receipt. Only very minor corrections can be made regarding the content of the previously evaluated original manuscript.

Once the manuscript has been definitely accepted, the final version for publication must be returned with all proposed changes. Before an issue is published, the papers will be given their own DOI in the « Articles in Press» section in the website of the journal.

 In general, once the external scientific reports have been read, the criteria that justify the editors’ decision to accept or reject submissions by Editorial Board are as follows:

  1. Current and new.
  2. Relevance and significance: advancement of scientific knowledge
  3. Originality.
  4. Reliability and scientific validity: verified methodological quality.
  5. Organisation (logical coherence and formal presentation).
  6. External support and public/private funding.
  7. Co-authorship and degree of internationalization of the proposal and equipment.
  8. Presentation: good written style.


The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context is an open access journal.

Conditions of pre-print self-archiving: Prior to final publication, it is advisable for authors to file their preprint version on their personal and institutional websites, scientific social networks, repositories, bibliographic managers... The preprint must include the following statement: "This is the electronic version of an article accepted for publication in The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context[year], now available online on the official website through its DOI:”. Once published, the authors must specify: "This is the electronic version of an article published in The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context [year]. The final version is available at the official website, on the date indicated in the preprint, through its DOI".

Conditions of post-print self-archiving: Authors are allowed to reuse published works, i.e. the post-print (final PDF version of the publisher) can be archived for non-commercial purposes, and authors are strongly recommended to deposit it in:

  • Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…).
  • Institutional repository of your University and public repositories (Mendeley, Cosis…).
  • Scientific social networks (ResearchGate,, Kudos...).
  • Personal or institutional website, blog, etc.
  • Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID...


The editorial team of the European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context (EJPALC) is, along with the scientific community, committed to ensuring the ethical and quality standards of the articles they publish.

The EJPALC endorses the Ethical Standards of the American Psychological Association. The EJPALC also uses as a reference the “Code of conduct and good practice” defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scientific journals,  the Código Deontológico de la Psicología [Psychological Ethics Code]  of Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid [Madrid Regional Association of Psychology], and the legal framework of the country where the research was developed.

Particularly, research published in the EJPALC: Psychology must conform to Standard 8 of the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. 

Publication Credit/Authorship. Authors of articles published in the EJPALCmust have contributed significantly to the research resulting in the publication of an article and should be able to certify that they have contributed to the entire manuscript, where necessary attributing work to relevant co-authors or contributors. All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed. Each author must have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

Dual submission. Articles submitted to the EJPALC for consideration must be original works of scholarship and must not be submitted simultaneously in any form or version for publication elsewhere.

Compliance with Ethical Standards. Authors should include information regarding sources of funding, potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial), informed consent if the research involved human participants to ensure objectivity and transparency in research and that accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed.

Declaration of interest. Authors must also have no conflicting or competing interests that would preclude them from presenting their research in an unbiased manner, and authors must disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest, financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias), upon submission of their article for publication. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors must disclose any interests in Detailed disclosures as part of a separate Declaration of Interest form, which forms part of the journal's official records (Editorial Manager). 

Humane Care in Research. The activities described in published articles must comply with generally accepted standards of ethics, both about studies with human beings, as well as all aspects of professional ethics. The authors will be responsible for being able to provide interested readers with copies of raw data, procedural manuals, scores, informed consent, and generally relevant experimental/methodological material. 

Third-party material. Authors must clear the necessary reproduction rights and/or permissions for any images, photos, figures, music, data, tables, or content credited to a third party that an author wishes to use (including content found on the Internet), which fall outside of the fair use provisions described in Spanish copyright law.

We expect our authors to comply with all best practices in publication ethics, particularly concerning Publication Credit/Authorship, compliance with standards of research ethics, conflict of interest, redundant publication, figure manipulation, plagiarism, and dual submission.


The EJPALC is firmly committed to promoting equality and respect for all people and, therefore, we recognize and appreciate diversity. This is reflected in the structure of the Editorial Committee and in the rules on inclusive language that authors and reviewers must follow.

For this reason:

  • Authors must ensure that they use bias-free language, avoid stereotypes, and undertake to use inclusive language, albeit prioritizing correct grammar, the economy of language, and precision, given the limitations of space.
  • Articles will avoid any claim of superiority for reasons of sex, class, culture, ethnic origin, or any other difference between people.

The guide published by the American Psychological Association must be followed by the authors. This guide is available in the following links.

Bias-free language is covered in Chapter 5 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition

The Guide published by European Commission can also be used as an orientation:

Toolkit Gender in EU-funded research (English)

Manual de género en la investigación (Spanish)


Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid - Madrid Regional Association of Psychology does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in the EJPALC.

Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors.

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