La investigación ha pretendido realizar un diagnóstico de la situación, en el ámbito educativo, respecto del conocimiento y afrontamiento por parte del profesorado, del abuso sexual y otras formas de maltrato infantil en el contexto de la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares. Ha recogido aportaciones del profesorado de todas las etapas educativas no universitarias. De acuerdo con las conclusiones, resulta tan determinante el conocimiento de casos, como otros aspectos, que tienen que ver con: la comunicación de los mismos, la potenciación, conocimiento y uso de los recursos intra e interinstitucionales, la inclusión de propuestas curriculares de prevención especÃfica e inespecÃfica en los centros escolares, la formación del profesorado, la promoción de programas preventivo comunitarios y en general las propuestas que el propio profesorado genera. El estudio trata de promover la complementación de estrategias preventivas comunitarias y de promoción de la salud para: evitar la aparición de nuevos casos y aumentar la salud y el bienestar general de la población interviniendo desde los recursos comunitarios, tanto los profesionales de todos los ámbitos con el ineludible compromiso de sus responsabilidades, como los miembros de la comunidad en su conjunto
The aim of this research was to carry out a situation diagnosis in the education field concerning teacher knowledge of and coping with sexual abuse and other ways of children ill treatment that take place in the town of Alcalá de Henares. Contributions by teachers of all non university grades were collected. Results show that knowledge of cases is as critical as other aspects, including reporting of cases, the promotion, knowledge and use of both within and inter-institutional resources, curriculum proposals for specific and non specific prevention in schools, teacher training promotion of preventive community programs and routine proposals by teachers. This study attempts to promote complementary community prevention strategies and health promotion strategies aimed at: avoiding the incidence of new cases and enhancing people´s health and well-being through the use of community resources, both specialized and non specialized resources -i.e., coming from community members. The investigation has tried to carry out a diagnosis of the situation, in the educational field, regarding to the knowledge and ways of facing, the teachers, the sexual abuse and other tributions from teachers in every educational stage except higher education. In accordance with the conclusions, the knowledge of the cases is a decisive as other aspects that have to do with: communication of the cases, the knowledge and use of inter and intrainstitutional resources, the inclusion of curricular proposals of specific and no-specific prevention at school, teachers training, the promotion of preventive community programmes and, in general, the proposals from the teachers. The research tries to promote the complementation of community preventive strategies and the promotion of health to: avoid the arising of new cases and increase the health and general well-being of the population, intervening from the community resources, both professional from all the fields, with the unavoidable compromise of the responsible person, and all the members of the community
Palabras clave
Abuso sexual infantil#Malos tratos infantiles#Programas preventivos comunitarios#Promoción de la salud#Trabajo en redKeywords
Sexual Abuse of Children#Children ill-treatment#Community Preventive Programs#Health Promotion#NetworkingCopyright © 2025. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid