La Ley De Ordenacion General Del Sistema Educativo (LOGSE 1990) lleva a cabo una reforma en profundidad del sistema educativo no universitario. La formacion profesional especifica se estructura en dos niveles formativos: ciclos de grado medio y ciclos de grado superior. Su objetivo es facilitar la integracion en el mundo del trabajo y contribuir a la formacion continua de todos los ciudadanos atendiendo a las demandas de los sectores productivos. La formacion profesional ocupacional depende del instituto nacional de empleo (inem). El curriculum de este subsistema es determinado por el inem y los cursos se realizan por diversas instituciones relacionadas con la formacion profesional ocupacional: centros homologados, organizaciones de trabajadores, etc. El Consejo General De Formacion Profesional asesora al gobierno en cuestiones de formacion profesional reglada y formacion profesional ocupacional. Tiene tambien como objetivo elaborar y controlar, con la aprobacion del gobierno, la realizacion del programa nacional de formacion profesional.
The basic law on the general structure and organization of the education system (logse 1990) has given rise to a complete reform of the non-university education system. Specific vocational training is structured into two training levels: intermediate level and higher level. Its objetive is to facilitate integration into working life, to contribute towards continuing training for all citizens and to meet the demands of the productive sector for skills. Occupational vocational training depending on the national employment institute, the curriculum is initially drawn up by the inem and the course is offered to those involved in occupational vocational training: agreed centres, employer`s organizations, trade unions, etc. The general council for vocational training advises the government on matters concerning regulated and occupational vocational training and vocational guidance. It also draws up, with government approval, and monitors the implementation of the national vocational training programme.
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