el objetivo de este articulo es, sobre la base de la revision de estudios acerca delimpacto de la innovacion tecnologica en el comportamiento laboral, presentar ciertos factores psicosociales que resultarian criticos en el proceso de adaptacion de los empleados a los cambios tecnologicos. El papel relevante que desempeñan estos factores refuerzan la perspectiva teorica de considerar la introduccion de Nuevas Tecnologias en el ambito organizacional como un proceso social articulado por factores objetivos y subjetivos que habremos de tomar en consideracion para prevenir efectos no deseados del cambio tecnico
the objetive of this article, is on the base of revision of studies about of the impact of the technology on the labor behavior, to present those psychosocials elements which will sound critical in the process of adaptation of the worker/employees at the change technology. The to play a role outstanding which performance those factors reinforcement the theoretical perspective of to consider the introduction in the organization of New Technoogy social as process articulated for objetive and subjetive factors who we to awe of to take in consideration for to prevent the undesirable effects of change technology
Copyright © 2025. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid